Movie Review: Spies in Disguise
Spies in disguise is an action-packed, animated film that was released in 2019. This entertaining film is filled with very cool spy stunts and humour that will make you roll on the floor with laughter (and includes a lot of witty catchphrases).' While being full of action and comedy, its story is unlike any other, its ideas are out of this world and its scientific gadgets are next-gen. This movie is also voiced by many famous celebrities like Will Smith, Tom Holland and D.J Khalid. Let me tell you a little bit about the movie. This movie features Will Smith as the voice of an arrogant lance sterling, a spy, who is accidentally turned into a handsome blue birdie, which makes this movie even more captivating. Tom Holland is playing the role of a young quirky gadget guru named Walter, who holds responsible for lance’s transformation into his avian form. Throughout the journey, lance is annoyed by Walter’s presence, his weird gadgets and his transformation into a pigeon. La...