Why you SHOULD read classics
Classics are often portrayed as boring, dull or unvaried, and tons and tons of other long words that tell you that classics are useless. But what if I was to tell you, that classics are one of the best books that exist? Yeah, I know, has already told you so. But I am going to promise you that your scenario towards classic books is going to change. And I am in no mood to give you long words and force you to read these kinds of books, but only to convince you to read them and show you a different perspective. You probably know all about Harry Potter, right? The world still talks about it, fans still go crazy (me included) and big events are dedicated to these books. Harry Potter books came out almost 25 years ago. Now, just think and just imagine where the concept of Harry potter be 100 years later. Do you think these books would be forgotten or sitting on the backmost shelf of the library, collecting dust? Of course not! They would be turned into classics! Why, yo...