Book Review: Teenage Treasure Hunter by Daniel Kenny

I was going through a book list on my Kindle and I laid my eyes on this book called the Teenage Treasure hunter which is written by Daniel Kenny. Since I hadn't read a treasure hunting book in a while, I decided to give this book a try. I figured that it would be an ordinary mystery book that involved someone who discovered this treasure and went to find it for XYZ reason. Boy, was I wrong! For a change, this book has a rich Curial Diggs roaming in Russia to find a priceless treasure that has been lost for nearly 40 years, and not because he wants the money (he’s rich, duh!) he is doing it to save his friend's job and also because it was his mother's dying wish.


Curial’s mom was always obsessed with riddles and specifically with the Romanov dolls and wanted to find them. Romanov dolls were special dolls that were made in Russia only, it was a craft that Russian doll makers would do and was done in recent times also (in the book). But there was one doll which was made many centuries ago and was made perfectly and studded with jewels. Without even a single flaw, these dolls were the perfect ever made (in the book). But of course, what'd ya know? These dolls were stolen, and that was a long time ago (in the book) and they could be anywhere, in any state: hidden, stolen, damaged, destroyed, disintegrated and who knows what else. But of course, they were pure treasure, and people dedicated their lives to finding it but was never found, but now this was going to change. 

The Romanov dolls are not any kind of Barbie. Since there are no photos in the book, I have no idea what they are, but Barbies have no comparison to the Romanov dolls because these Russian dolls are sacred.

Curial Diggs is a son to a very rich father and his father is the owner of a very good financial company and he expects his son to be dealing with finance like the father. But of course, like in all great books, the son doesn't agree and wants to take his mom's wish forward. Curial " Diggs (😂)" through some information and finds a code given by his mom. And in the process of decoding it, he finds himself stuck with Maurice, a pesky pickpocket, who is also extremely annoying and knows a lot about the streets and how to get information from here and there. After decoding the so-called code, Curial finds himself in Russia looking for the dolls and also finds himself a guide\friend, Dina, who helps in getting around in Russia. Dina considers Curial a "blockhead" and they both don't stop bickering even as they escape from the police, survive kidnapping, and a whole lot more.

I am not going to give any more spoilers (even though I would love to😊!) but one thing I love about this book is the number of locations it takes place. I am not only talking about the cities in Russia that they roam about, but also the variety of places like one moment they are happily roaming in a mall and the next moment, they are stuck with a man in a basement, with a gun. You have to admit, this book has some weird surprises!

 One thing I would ask for you to watch out for is people's names. You must already know that Russian names aren't similar to names in your country  (unless you are from Russia!) so it gets super confusing to know who is who. That is honestly the only fault I could find. 

This book is full-on addictive, I seriously couldn't let go of it, and if you are the bookworm kind, this book is for you. So, I would like to end it here, do check this book out.

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