Why you SHOULD read classics

 Classics are often portrayed as boring, dull or unvaried, and tons and tons of other long words that tell you that classics are useless. But what if I was to tell you, that classics are one of the best books that exist? Yeah, I know, has already told you so. But I am going to promise you that your scenario towards classic books is going to change. And I am in no mood to give you long words and force you to read these kinds of books, but only to convince you to read them and show you a different perspective.

You probably know all about Harry Potter, right?  The world still talks about it, fans still go crazy (me included) and big events are dedicated to these books. Harry Potter books came out almost 25 years ago. Now, just think and just imagine where the concept of Harry potter be 100 years later. Do you think these books would be forgotten or sitting on the backmost shelf of the library, collecting dust? Of course not! They would be turned into classics! Why, you ask? Because it is a book that has never exhausted all it has to say to its readers! And because the book was so good you can't just let it die out! So, they turned into classics to keep them a part of this world so that they can be read by many generations ahead! And that is the same case with the books written nearly 100-150 years ago! People used to love it so much that they kept on reading it throughout the years that they were turned into classics! So now you get it, don’t you? Classics ARE some of the best books ever written and you need to read them!

There are other reasons to read these types of books. One great reason is that it adds changes to your personality. You’ll understand this when you read a classic if you don’t understand now. Also, you get a bit of history of the kind of thought process people used to have back then and how changed humanity is now. This gives a broader idea of how people were back then and how we should change now. And one more great benefit is that you can call yourself a full-on reader when you read these books because they are the basis of reading. Now, if directly start reading classics before having some or no reading experience, you won’t enjoy or understand them. The classics are the base of reading but require high reading knowledge, enrichment and require some experience.

A man named Italo Calvino had written criteria on how a book classifies as a classic. He talked about classics are those books that come to us holding the aura of previous interpretations, and leaving behind there the traces they have left in the cultures through which they have passed. And that classics are those books about which you usually hear people saying: 'I'm rereading…', never 'I'm reading….'. Source: brainpickings.org

One last piece of advice I would like to give you is to keep going. The language of these books is a little old so they might be a little hard to understand but just keep on going. It will take about 3 reads to fully understand a fat classic so don’t get irritated and put your 100 per cent focus on it.

Those were my thought on a classic and how you should read them. I am currently reading great expectations by Charles dickens and that’s what inspired me to do this blog. Also, to understand more, reread certain chapters again and again. Thank you once again for reading this blog and I hope we both part richer by this knowledge. 

So, see you later!






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