YET another Book Review: The small Tigers of Shergarh by Ranjit lal!

Yes! this is YET another book review! Why? Because I had this awesome idea to review some of the most popular and great books that I have! And this is another book that I LOVE!! This is The Small Tigers of Shergarh! This book is legit! This awe-inspiring book is literally one of my greatest reads ever. I can guarantee I have read this over and over and over A TON OF TIMES! I got this in 2016 and you won't believe it: I met Ranjit Lal personally and GOT MY COPY OF THIS BOOK SIGNED! I would give anything to meet him and so would you after reading this book! So, the plot goes like this: A 14-year-old Shika, with her 7-year-old brother Sunny, reach the Sher Garh national tiger park after a distressing accident where both their parents died and Sunny stopped speaking because of the shock of their parent's death. They reach their uncle's house which sits beside a national tiger park. Her uncle is not much bothered about them and is an eccentric painter and it soon tu...