It’s such a
treat to have butterflies, fluttering around, making your garden a lovely
space. These winged ones are a treat to watch and observe. They come in all
types, literally, from a butterfly that camouflages like a dead leaf to one
that has endless colors! And speaking of colors, one can be as brown as mud or
as beautiful as the color wheel! These fragile creatures are a big help to the
environment in pollination and other big jobs! They eat nectar and liquid from
rotting fruit. They are also prey to small animals and birds. And most of them do not have a lifespan longer
than a year. Needless to say, they do all sorts of things!
Their birth
process is fascinating, its known as metamorphosis and includes 4 stages which
are, egg, larvae, pupa or chrysalis and finally an adult. This whole process is
what turns a fat caterpillar to a butterfly. Their eggs are stuck by the one
who laid it, with a sticky glue kind of liquid which prevents the egg to fall
down. Then after it hatches it eats and eats and collects enough nutrients to
undergo the next stage, the pupa. The caterpillar hangs down a branch with a
sticky liquid and wraps itself in it and after some weeks, turns into a
live on an all liquid diet. they eat only liquids and no solids, and they taste
from their feet. Butterflies should be warmed up to a certain temperature or
else they can’t fly. Needless to say, they can’t fly while they are cold. They
also help by putting the pollen on the flower, into the pistil of the flower,
while they are drinking nectar from the flower, the pollen on the anther gets
stuck on its feet, then it drops into a tube which is known as the style and
helps in converting a flower into a fruit.
Some of the common predators of butterflies include: wasps, birds, parasite flies, ants, snakes, toads, rats, lizards, dragonflies and even monkeys! A few of the other animals that are constantly adding butterflies onto their menu list are frogs and spiders. Butterflies are found near green pastures and are found in large variety.
There are 17500 recorded species of butterflies, which is a lot, they glue their egg to the leaves, they range in size from a tiny 1/8 inch to a huge almost 12 inches, but if they continue to disappear, it will stop the pollination process and put a break in the ecosystem’s flow.so I will continue write more blogs and on more interesting topics so stay tuned! ·
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