Monologue: Birds, Birds, Birds!!

Monologue: Birds, Birds, Birds!!

An enthusiastic birder states his feelings on how we should look for birds more. 

 No. wait. Did you. Did you just call a kite an eagle??!! Seriously?! What’s the difference?! Oh, I’ll tell you what’s the difference: for starters, an eagle has a big head, big wing and a fan-shaped tail. On the other hand, a kite has a medium-sized head and…ok ok. Bye. But remember! Don’t call a kite an eagle! (Walks over to a friend in a group of people looking at the sky) hey! Whatcha looking at? Oh, that bird (looks up). (Suddenly awestruck) do you know which that bird is??  huh? No! it's NOT a flamingo!! Dude! Just look at it! There’s nooo way it can be a flamingo! It’s a painted stork, for gosh’s sakes! And it's July! Flamingoes don’t come around much in these months! Alright alright, I’ll stop. But remember! Don’t call a painted stork a… you know what, you’ll manage. (sighs) did you just see those guys?? They barely open their eyes to look at some other birds, and at first glance, Ek painted stork ko flamingo, Bolte Hain! Ha! As if! I mean, sometimes, I am just jealous! So many of you live in great natural surroundings instead of being stuck up in a flat like me! Or atleast you get to visit those places often! But pay less attention to birds, and rather choose your phone to go crazy over. Huh! You know, a year two back, I was also someone like you, not so interested in them, but as soon as I started looking for them, it was almost as if they started appearing just for me! A robin here, an owlet there, and I started noticing so much about them! No no! Not only their appearance! But their sounds, their flying pattern, what time they come into the country, their nests, eggs, and soon, I could identify a bird easily! Sure, it takes time, but it's all worth it! Start small, pick up a birding guide, spot them and check them off your list! Trust me, it's just magical! Do you know, a few days, during my workout, I spotted a flash of yellow in a far tree in the neighbouring society! And it turned out to be a golden oriole! The one me and my mom have been trying to spot for years! Oh, I think I saw something again! I’ll see you soon, birder, and remember, keep looking for birds!!

Hey everyone! This is my monologue that I wrote by myself and performed on Facebook! I hope you like it! 

I will be back with more amazing blogs! See you soon!


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