Covid Times: Issue 2

 Yes, this is the second issue of the first blog post of this blog, and as always, nobody knew that we would be in this current type of situation when the whole thing started. My name is Atharva Pachori, I’m 12 years old, I am a homeschooler and I live in Ahmedabad, India. Like I said, no one knew that we would be in this situation when it all started because the whole thing was so unpredictable, the lockdown, the waves, the vaccines, and the time the neighbouring society lowers the volume of the bang Garba music playing hard enough to be heard by someone sitting on the sun (92.5 million or somefink like that). No, seriously!

I mean, the situation is way different for everyone than it was then. While some people are overly casual, much like our society residents, some may still be in the right mind, only maybe after getting a taste of what they tend to spread by not being so careful, know what I mean? But you know, I have lost quite the track of cases and lost count too.  Now that I look back, many YouTubers were trying to cheer people up by doing live streams when we were in lockdown, right. I dunno why but it almost feels embarrassing now. Anyway, I used to spend like...... I don't even remember how many hours I used to spend outside the house! Sheesh! I mean, you can't blame me, it's been 2 years! Well, I think I spend that much time, or more than that, on my computer. Working, of course (y'know, an hour on Hotstar never hurts)! If you just look at the state in which Indian students are in, in the context of studying, it is horrible! I mean, somewhere you get way too much homework, somewhere teachers are rushing to get the syllabus over with and more. And I won't hesitate to say this that being by being a homeschooler, I feel just like that. Given that it was kinda my fault because of my actions in the past (no, I didn't murder anyone, it's not that serious). Anyway, sometimes I just feel I have put myself on autopilot for doing my tasks, like the other day, I was taking notes and I accidentally flipped a page and my eyes popped out by looking at the number of notes I had written and had no memory when I wrote it, even though it was registered rock hard as salt (I mean, salts DO come from rocks so that does mean we can call them... never mind) in mind! That's just it! Half of the tasks are on autopilot these days, even though they don't lack the quality I give, but it is so weird. And when I am not in an autopilot mode mood, I just waste time and my brain switches off! And I can't even help it (maybe I can but whatevs)! my point is, life is so different these days! 

and then there's the social problem! (Read more here:! oof! 

Even though I just noted the negatives, there are positives! Even though they are not AS strong as the negative ones, there are! Like my art improved thousandfold, I learnt a lot of new things, like drama and coding and more arithmetic, and I discovered K-pop and got introduced to this thing called "series"! it’s not...... I was gonna say "all that bad", but that would be wrong.    

I mean things could be worse, but now that I think about it... they could be better. ok, this sounds like I am complaining. My point is that this is such a weird phase for me and, kinda difficult to manage or do anything about it, I'm sure it’s probably with you too. And I guess we are all doing what we can to brush that feeling off. And now that I look at it with this thought in mind, the YouTubers streaming were doing all that because they probably felt that same way, and tried to do prevent it or remove that feeling from us. Though their efforts were not totally gone bad, I myself may have watched a few.

So that is just a tiny segment of what our hearts or at least my heart feels on this matter called life (these days). You can read more on this on another blog post on my blog. 

As always, 

keep well, and remember, we are all in this TOGETHER

See you soon. 



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