Magic Camp!

You know this is the kind of film you reserve to watch when you are done with all the main 5-star preferences on the menu like Raya and the last dragon, Luca, the mysterious society or so and so on Hotstar. At least that’s what I did. And I gotta tell you before you do so too, hear me out and go watch it!

It’s got a nice 4.6 stars review overall and I gotta, I am happy to see what it deserved! It has a lot to do with “Magic” as the first part of the name suggests, and that is kinda one of the most things that I enjoyed and isn’t like classic magic movies where it takes place 40-100 years earlier or at the time of world war (I think u know which book series I am suggesting). Nope, it takes place in the normal daily life of 2020 (yes, the beginning of 2020 since it has no mention of covid). But I gotta warn ya, it's goofy, so if it’s a movie night, and u pick this movie to watch with your family, u might be sinking lower and lower in your chair due to the embarrassing moments (just a ton of goofy stuff, that’s why) just like I did! And no, it’s not got a ton of THAT kind of boy and girl thing but ya (I mean it’s a camp for a bit older kid so there has to be SOMETHING, don’t get me wrong though, please). I think you get it. Let’s switch gears/ topic and move to the spoiler-free story.

So, there is this guy, Andy duckerman, out there, driving a cab (man, not even an uber) with a ‘’magical’’ but a bit complicated past. He is a great magician himself but doesn’t do stage gigs anymore, because of some treachery in friendship by a friend that affected his career which I will explain later. So anyway, there is this institute in the hills (nope, not like harry potter, but just a great building situated near the hills/ foothills) called the institute of magic, and desired by young magicians, like Theo, a card shuffling genius (he doesn’t think he is, that is until, when Andy shows him who he is) who used to perform with cards for one person in the world, his dad who taught him magic in the first place. On the other hand, kris Darkwood (suuuuper cool name huh? She a woman btw) is a famous- too famous, and popular- magician that performs all around the world for around the year! The thing is, kris and Andy used to be a thing, I mean, magic duo-with a bad name- and they all went to the institute of magic when they were young. But when they were old, Darkwood went behind Andy’s back and started performing solo (” skyrocketed to fame’’) while Andy, not so much. Their paths cross, when Andy is invited to the magic institute as a teacher, and coincidentally, Darkwood also gets a teachers spot for one of the teachers dropping out for the year. Over the movie, a lot happens (which makes a movie of course) and they both bunks compete and fight for the top hat, the award for the best bunk and which results in an amazing.

I know I have left some patches of info out there, but I think I may reveal way too much info on my blogs (sometimes, seriously, it happens only very rarely). It is quite a movie to watch while being stuck at home. It makes a nice movie and I liked watching (but you, watch out for the goofy stuff man and by that, I mean like, kids of 12 speaking like 5-year-olds and that kind of stuff, not THAT kind of stuff, its 7+, for god’s sake, not 13+, but again, the goofy stuff yo!) more like this (blogs, duh!) are coming fresh on your plate very soon, and I shall see you then!






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